On the lower slopes of Montmartre hill in the early 19th century, a new subdivision becomes an emerging republic of arts and letters. Nouvelle-Athènes, its name inspired by the craze for all things Classical Greek, is a vibrant neighborhood of artists and musicians – the elite of the Parisian Romantic movement. And at the center of it all, the atelier-salon of Ari Scheffer.
Visit his former home, now the Musée de la Vie Romantique, with our expert storyteller to discover the Parisian bourgeois-bohème of the 1800s. Scheffer, Romantic painter and portraitist to the aristocracy, was host to a literary and artistic salon that welcomed Gericault, Delacroix, Rossini, Liszt, Chopin, George Sand – even Charles Dickens. Travel back in time as you explore the atmospherically preserved home-studio, filled with the works and possessions of illustrious Parisians who lived and gathered here.